Solu Child Welfare Orphange Association


Objective of organization shall be as follows.

  • This organization shall be non-profit making people welfare social organization.
  •  To provide shelter in the society for the poor, feeble, helpless, children without family of the society, to organize educational and health      related programs for reintegration.
  • To protect rights of helpless, powerless, heirless children while making them able with physically and mentally managing proper education and foster.
  • To provide various opportunities creating the environment where street children can mix up with the social circle.
  • To create and to be created the environment for the children working as domestic helper to live freely.
  • To alert different part of the society towards not to allow children in any type of illegal and risky work.
  • To operate social laundry programs for the children not to be engaged in bad habit.
  • To operate and to be operated establishing child reform center, children home, orphanage home, school and rehabilitation center in various place of country only obtaining approval from concerned body.
  • To operate library publishing various child newspapers.
  •  To make forward in the work of society development forming child club and group of children.
  •  To awakened social feeling for children protecting and preserving child right.
  • To provide opportunity of study managing special scholarship for poor, helpless, disabled and feeble children.
  • To bring public awareness organizing various creative program including seminar, workshop, lecture for the social development of the children.
  •  To work with indigenous and foreign association, organization, institution in partnership to fulfillment of the objectives of the organization obtaining prior approval of Government of Nepal.
  • Yearly program and progress report shall be submitted to Office of District Development Committee, Social Welfare Council and District Administration Office.
  • Permanent Accounts Number (PAN) shall be obtained from Inland Revenue Office according to Financial Act within 6 months of registration of organization.
  •  Children rights and welfare shall be protected as per convention relating child right.
  •  Listing established organization in the Office of Women Development of concerned district progress report of the work performed by the children home shall manage to submit compulsorily as mentioned in Gender and Child Rights Mainstream Work Guideline, 2004.
  •  For the management and operation of the children home it shall be operated being under Minimum Criteria, 2005.
  • Organization shall implement drafting necessary code of conduct, work, duty, terms and conditions and other necessary rules and regulation in relation to subordinate staff and individual work as staff.
  •    To operate bank account depositing money received in organization.
  •  To do various other necessary work for the fulfillment of objectives of the organization.


Functions to be done to achieve the objectives of organization:

Following works shall be done to achieve the said objectives of this organization.

  •   The said objectives shall be implemented by organization only obtaining license or approval from concerning body according to prevailing Nepal law.
  •   The house which needed the organization shall be constructed or taken or rent or lease and it could purchase or use taking on rent the vehicle and official goods like computer, telephone, typewriter and fax.
  •   To appoint staff which needed the organization and to prescribe their terms and conditions of the service.